
It’s been almost exactly 10 years since I began the journey of trying to get serious about my photography as an adult. In my childhood, I remember the “spy” camera I got on a vacation. No actual photo lab would develop the tiny film but a friend of my Dad’s helped me out. Later came the Polaroid Square Shooter, and a few others. Fast forward to my late 30s and it was a Kodak 2mp digital camera. After several other cameras, film and digital, I landed in the Canon DSLR system; with a couple bodies and a bag full of Canon glass. Throughout the journey, technology drove the passion. As each camera got better, new options presented themselves. 

My new journey is to Sony and mirrorless.   Pressures of life have kept me away from photography of late. I needed a spark to help get the passion back. It’s not just the camera, as some other changes we going on, but it’s a catalyst. I’ve watched many of my photographer friends, whom I respect greatly, make the shift to Sony. I’ve watched how the improved dynamic range has shaped the pictures and salivated at the possibility of the same change. 

So I made the jump; into the Sony unknown. Here’s to the journey. 

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